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8 end-of-day habits that make your mornings better

If you’re an ‘evening’ person, these habits might just work for you. And if you’re a ‘morning’ person, then these habits might just super-charge your life!

1.      Write down tomorrow’s 3:3:3 plan – 3 hours on your most important project, 3 shorter tasks, 3 maintenance activities.

2.      End the workday with a shutdown ritual – e.g. close your laptop, plug in the charger, spend 2 minutes tidying your desk.  Then say “shutdown”.

3.      Journal 1 beautiful life moment – e.g. yummy lunch, presentation you crushed, joyful moment.

4.      Lay out clothes – get your exercise clothes ready for tomorrow.  It will activate your mind + body.

5.      Pack healthy snacks – ready for those hangry moments.

6.      Charge your phone out of reach – your morning alarm will get you out of bed and off to a great start.

7.      Give your mind an overnight task – upon closing your eyes ask your mind to solve a problem e.g. How might I make an extra $1k each month?

8.      Review your goals – remind yourself regularly to create success

And if you have trouble with your current business systems, reach out, we are happy to spend an hour discussing your issues and answering anything we can for free. If more is needed, we only charge by the hour and can do as little or as much as you require.

We love to help business owners stay stress free.

Your Business Bestie ~ Kathy

Kathy KelliherComment