Who's on your team?
I believe businesses wouldn’t exist without a team of great people behind them. Even a sole trader working in all the roles that a business requires, you still need people behind you to boost you up, help you to get out the door to do your job and to cheer you on.
If you do have big goals, then you need to surround yourself with a great team because your goals are going to be really hard to achieve by yourself.
When we are building something great, we also have our own level of strengths and talents but, as amazing as we all may be, we each have deficiencies where there are things we can do, but maybe shouldn’t do.
You may be used to doing everything yourself and you like to have control over everything, but often someone will be able to do it better, faster more amazing than you will, and it will cost half the time and half the effort than you doing it yourself.
Initially you may struggle to let go of the reins, but once you see the output and that something is well done or well made, then it is really satisfying. Add to that the joy you get from doing the things you love instead, then it is truly a win-win.
You are not only adding the skills of that person to your team, but you are also adding a team member who is there to cheer you on and help you to become the best you can. This is the value of the team.
I myself am super grateful for my team who each have their own amazing skills that I can refer clients to and trust that they are in great hands. They are also my cheerleaders, and can be yours if so required.
So who’s on your team? Do you need a cheerleader to help you become the best you can? Reach out, we may be just what you need to take you to the next level.
Your business bestie, Kathy